2.4. Uluslararası Ticarette Akreditif Süreci

The Letter of Credit (LC) system is a critical element in international trade, ensuring payment upon the successful physical transportation of goods. It primarily serves as a guarantee from the buyer's bank to the seller, providing a level of security in transactions between distant and often unfamiliar parties.

Process Overview:

  1. Initiation of Business Agreement: The buyer and seller agree to engage in a business transaction where the seller requests a Letter of Credit to guarantee payment.

  2. Application for a Letter of Credit: The buyer applies for a Letter of Credit at their bank, specifying the seller as the beneficiary.

  3. Credit Approval and Issuance: The buyer's bank assesses the buyer's credit risk, approves the application, and issues the LC, often involving a corresponding bank near the seller's location.

  4. Documentary Requirements and Verification: Upon shipping the goods, the seller prepares and submits the required documents, which may include shipping details, product specifications, and other pertinent information, to their bank (advising or confirming bank).

  5. Document Examination and Claim Process: The advising or confirming bank reviews the documents to ensure compliance with the LC terms. If compliant, the bank then claims the funds on behalf of the seller.

  6. Finalization and Payment Transfer: The documents, upon verification, are forwarded to the issuing bank. Once the issuing bank confirms the documents' compliance, the buyer's account is debited, and funds are transferred to the seller.

The traditional Letter of Credit process, although reliable, often involves multiple stages of verification, and documentation can be time-consuming. This complexity can sometimes lead to delays and increased transaction costs.

Coimex's Role in Modernizing LC Procedures:

Coimex is set to revolutionize this traditional system by integrating blockchain technology and smart contracts. This innovation aims to streamline the LC process, making it more efficient, transparent, and secure. By reducing dependency on multiple intermediaries and manual documentation, Coimex's approach will not only save time but also minimize the costs associated with these transactions, enhancing trust and efficiency in international trade dealings. Through Coimex's platform, Letters of Credit might soon become a historical reference, replaced by a more dynamic, automated, and secure system of trade finance.